2、We have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and supper. Breakfast is in the morning. Lunch is at noon and supper is in the evening. We have vegetables and meat every day. So we are healthy.我们每天吃三餐饭:早餐、中餐和晚餐。早餐是在早上。午餐和晚餐正午是在晚上。
3、strawberry, banana and apple, because I dont want to get fat. This is my three meals a day diet.我是xxx,我早上吃面包与牛奶,因为它很健康。中午我喜欢吃鸡肉、汉堡包和米饭,因为它们很好吃。晚上我喜欢吃一些水果,我吃草莓、香蕉和苹果,因为我不想变胖。这就是我的一日三餐饮食。
4、my mother made foreign fast food meal, steak, and I am happy not to eat a little left, my mothers cooking and the chef is as good. My three meals a day is very rich, I love to eat rice every day, because it would amaze me。
5、写作思路:根据实际自身的实际情况,描写自己喝父母一日三餐的情况。作文:There are three people in my familyThey are my mother,my father,and I 我有三个人家人。他们是我的母亲,我的父亲,还有我。
1、写作思路:根据实际自身的实际情况,描写自己喝父母一日三餐的情况。作文:There are three people in my familyThey are my mother,my father,and I 我有三个人家人。他们是我的母亲,我的父亲,还有我。
2、lunch and supper. Breakfast is in the morning. Lunch is at noon and supper is in the evening. We have vegetables and meat every day. So we are healthy.我们每天吃三餐饭:早餐、中餐和晚餐。早餐是在早上。午餐和晚餐正午是在晚上。我们有蔬菜和肉的每一天。所以我们都很健康。
1、lunch and supper. Breakfast is in the morning. Lunch is at noon and supper is in the evening. We have vegetables and meat every day. So we are healthy.我们每天吃三餐饭:早餐、中餐和晚餐。早餐是在早上。午餐和晚餐正午是在晚上。我们有蔬菜和肉的每一天。所以我们都很健康。
2、We dont have dessert. We eat lots of food,because My mother think it is good for us to keep healthy 我家有三口人:爸爸、妈妈和我. 我的爸爸喜欢吃鸡蛋,面条和苹果吃早餐。我的妈妈喜欢吃鸡蛋,汤喝牛奶。
3、He likes icecreamfor dessert.What about you?Are you healthy?作文翻译 我有一个很好的朋友,他叫 peter。