翻译如下 这句话 英语是:This sentence 也可以说 this word \this remark 例句 星期五晚上他传来了这句话。On Friday evening he passed this word along.由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默。
可翻译为:Be loyal to ones own faith 或:Be steadfast in ones own faith 或:stick by ones own beliefs 或:hold to ones own convictions 等等。列相关例句如下:She was loyal to her faith.她忠于自己的信念。He is steadfast in his faith.他坚守自己的信念。
这个如果理解表面意思可以翻译可译为:What you have done on March and April will give you answers on August and September!如果意译的话:What you have done will pay off!如果要翻译得更加准确,需要根据语境。
翻译如下 这句话 英语是:This sentence 也可以说 this word \this remark 例句 星期五晚上他传来了这句话。On Friday evening he passed this word along.由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默。
这个如果理解表面意思可以翻译可译为:What you have done on March and April will give you answers on August and September!如果意译的话:What you have done will pay off!如果要翻译得更加准确,需要根据语境。
-Yeah, please.-Coffee or tea?-Oh, sorry, coffee please.如果能说:Can you come on Monday or on Tuesday? ,即使音调模糊,也不容易引起歧义了,肯定是选择疑问句,按您第一种解释翻译。
如果还原出来,这个句子就是:which takes 【the location of cities, the services that those cities provide ,and migration of people to and from such cities】as its focus.整段译文:(例如农业)。
翻译 这个有啥用啊?要看你是什么意思。有“这个如何用”的含义:What is this used for?What is this for?有“这个有用吗?” 的含义:Is this of any use?Is this any good?希望帮到了你,若满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢。
take it easy 例句:Relax! Dont panic! Take it easy!放轻松!不要惊慌!放心吧!rest assured 例句:Yes, of course. We have enough productivity. You can rest assured.当然能。我们有足够的生产能力,你们尽管放心。
就是这个了 Thats it.重点词汇 就是quite right; exactly; even if; even; namely 双语例句 我所剩下的就是这个公文包了。
不客气的几种英语表达方式如下:My pleasure / It’s my pleasure / The pleasure is all mine 这是我的荣幸;和 You’re welcome 一样,这三句是较为正式的「不客气」说法。No problem / No worries 没问题、别担心;前者是美式说法,后者则为澳洲说法。
这句话 英语是:This sentence 也可以说 this word \this remark 例句 星期五晚上他传来了这句话。On Friday evening he passed this word along.由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默。
这个如果理解表面意思可以翻译可译为:What you have done on March and April will give you answers on August and September!如果意译的话:What you have done will pay off!如果要翻译得更加准确,需要根据语境。
Who are you looking for? Wait for a moment, please。
可翻译为:Be loyal to ones own faith 或:Be steadfast in ones own faith 或:stick by ones own beliefs 或:hold to ones own convictions 等等。列相关例句如下:She was loyal to her faith.她忠于自己的信念。He is steadfast in his faith.他坚守自己的信念。
翻译 这个有啥用啊?要看你是什么意思。有“这个如何用”的含义:What is this used for?What is this for?有“这个有用吗?” 的含义:Is this of any use?Is this any good?希望帮到了你,若满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢。
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